Backwoods MamaRabbit Eye Infection

From the Rabbitry: The Continuing Saga of Eye Infections

From the Rabbitry: The Continuing Saga of Eye Infections

This is the first time we've had to deal with eye infections in our rabbit litters. I'm a little dumbfounded. I keep the nest boxes very clean as well as the cages.I've been checking on the kits a few times a day and wiping any gooey eyes with a warm...

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Treating Baby Rabbit Eye Infections

Treating Baby Rabbit Eye Infections

Most of our kits are over two weeks old now. They've grown fur and have entered the cute phase. Around the ten day mark the kits open their eyes so for the last few days I've been making sure that this has happened. A couple kits in each litter have an eye (or two)...

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