Backwoods MamaSledding

Sledding at Baldy Mountain

Sledding at Baldy Mountain

It's time to say farewell to November, and to autumn. Even though winter officially begins on December 21st, I always think of December 1st as the start of winter fun and festivities. Over the last month we've been gathering and organizing all our winter...

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Instead of grumbling about the cold dark winter days, which is far too tempting at times, we have been making an effort to embrace the things that make winter special for us. When I start listing these favourite things in my mind I must admit that there are actually...

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Sledding Adventures

Sledding Adventures

There isn't any snow around our house right now but when I look out my front windows I can see that the snowline is moving steadily down the mountains. We don't need to travel far before we reach snow for some snow play.I have many fond memories of playing in the snow...

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