Backwoods MamaSpring

Beautiful Spring Picture Books for Children

Beautiful Spring Picture Books for Children

Last update: March 2024 Spring is such an exciting season. Nature has escaped winter's icy grip and is bursting with new smells, colours and sounds. Every day in spring there is more to discover and see! Spending time outside is a wonderful way of experiencing spring...

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A Unique Gift Guide for Outdoorsy Kids

A Unique Gift Guide for Outdoorsy Kids

Encouraging kids to spend time outside is one of the best gifts they can receive. With that in mind, this gift guide was carefully curated to encourage kids to get outdoors. Each item is something that my own children enjoy using, or would enjoy, or it's something...

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50+ Spring Nature Activities for Kids of All Ages

50+ Spring Nature Activities for Kids of All Ages

Spring officially starts on the spring equinox which falls on March 19, 20, or 21 in the northern hemisphere and September 22 or 23 in the southern hemisphere. On this special day the sun shines directly on the equator of our planet and for a short time day and night...

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9 Magical Ways to Celebrate May Day with Kids

9 Magical Ways to Celebrate May Day with Kids

May Day is a wonderful springtime celebration that takes place on May 1st. This special day has its roots in ancient history. A very long time ago the ancient Greeks celebrated the Festival of Chloris and the...

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7 Fun Ways to Celebrate Spring Equinox with Kids

7 Fun Ways to Celebrate Spring Equinox with Kids

What is the spring equinox? The spring equinox, also called vernal equinox, marks the moment when the sun shine directly on the equator so that there is an approximately equal amount of daylight to darkness. This astronomical moment is the first official day of...

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Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring!

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring!

Spring has officially sprung! For many of us in the Okanagan Valley it's a welcome relief from the long cold winter we've experienced. I love spring. The warm sunshine and colourful blossoms. This season fills my heart with hope and gladness. It also means my birthday...

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Spring in the South Okanagan

Spring in the South Okanagan

Spring has truly arrived in the South Okanagan of British Columbia. Over the past weekend we had deliciously warm and sunny weather with temperatures soaring to 23°C, a record in these parts for this time of year. Yet, spring is a fickle season and it likes to tease...

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Helping Spring Along

Helping Spring Along

My parents-in-law live in a cozy cabin on a lake away from town. It's a little oasis out here and the atmosphere is calm. Their front deck faces south and gets toasty warm when the sun shines, so warm that I wish I had packed a pair of shorts for lounging in. While...

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Early Spring Up North

Early Spring Up North

        On Friday last week, my children, sister and I made the 800km north to my home town. We stopped several times along the way, a must with three small children. By the time we reached Williams Lake, I...

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Early Signs of Spring

Early Signs of Spring

The last few days of sunshine and warmth have been wonderfully liberating. Finally, winter's cold dark grip is loosening its hold and I am unfurling from my winter funk. On close inspection I can see buds on trees and plants poking through the cool wet soil. I love...

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Celebrating Spring with the Maypole

Celebrating Spring with the Maypole

Flowers and willow branches were gathered for making flower crowns. The flowers were sorted by colour and the sweet scent of lilacs hung in the air. The children worked carefully as they weaved flowers and ribbons into their willow circlets. My eldest needed a little...

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Celebrating Spring

Celebrating Spring

We joined our friends at learning circle today to celebrate the coming of spring. Dressed in crowns and silks the children marched through the farm playing their noise makers to awaken the earth. Spring has arrived! Each child received a special seed...

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