Backwoods Mamastrawberry



It's time to visit Secrest Organics U-Pick at Coverts Farms because the strawberries are ripe and ready for picking! These organic strawberries cost $2.75 a pound when u-picked. The are pails for picking but bring your own containers to take the berries home. I get...

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A Day of U-Picking in the South Okanagan

A Day of U-Picking in the South Okanagan

Today was our first u-pick day of the year. We started up at Covert Farms and picked their sweet organic strawberries ($2.50/lb). The picking was easy so it didn't take long to fill our cardboard box. Teddy wasn't too keen on standing between the rows of strawberry...

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Traditional Strawberry Vanilla Jam

Traditional Strawberry Vanilla Jam

When it comes to making jam the variations are endless. I have comes across quirky combinations like blueberries + basil, strawberry + Thai herbs and plums + cardamom. I made plum + cardamom jam last year and it was pretty good, but nothing can prove equal to the...

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Strawberry Jam

Strawberry Jam

Last year, I didn't can strawberries. I never came across enough affordable organic strawberries to make much of anything. Strawberries are one of the worst fruits for pesticide contamination. According to this list it comes in third place, after celery (no....

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