Backwoods MamaFall Outside: 30 Prompts for Exploring Nature with Children

Welcome to Fall Outside Nature Prompts!

Fall Outside: 30 Prompts for Exploring Fall with Children is an eBook that offers parents and educators thirty fun prompts for inviting children to explore the season of fall outdoors and it can be purchased from TeachersPayTeachers for $5. For more information and samples keep scrolling!

What’s included in this eBook?

This eBook is 49 pages and includes:

  • 30 fall prompts (including cut outs and a checklist)
  • 30 detailed prompt descriptions for parents and educators so that they can deepen their children’s learning and connection with nature
  • 7 pages with extra tips and activities

It can be purchased from TeachersPayTeachers!

When do I use the prompts?

These nature prompts are for the season of fall.

In the Northern Hemisphere fall begins around September 22nd and ends on December 20th.

In the Southern Hemisphere fall begins around March 20th and ends June 21st.

How do I use the prompts?

The Fall Outside Nature Prompts can be used anytime during the fall season and in a variety of ways.

The prompts can be:

  • Completed sequentially
  • Picked randomly out of a jar
  • Done as a 30-day challenge (sequentially or randomly)
  • Used as needed to motivate you and your child to go outside

Note: Once a prompt has been selected, take a moment to read the detailed description for the prompt on the pages in this guide. The descriptions will give you confidence in helping your child deepen their learning and connection with nature when you go outside.

What age range are the prompts for?

I have personally done all these prompts with my children when they were younger (4, 6 and 8) and again when they were older (ages 9, 11 and 13) and they enjoyed them both times. That being said if you’re looking for an age range I would say anywhere between ages 4 to early teens. It’s easy to adjust the prompts for any age.

How did Fall Outside start?

Dawn Suzette Smith, co-author of the book Whatever the Weather, was inspired to start Fall Outside in 2015 as a 30-day outdoor challenge for the month of November. November can be a difficult time to get outside in the Northern Hemisphere, and Dawn wanted to inspire families to enjoy time outside together whatever the weather. In 2018 Dawn handed the Fall Outside movement to Josée Bergeron from Backwoods Mama to continue encouraging families to enjoy fall outside.

Where can I get this eBook?

You can get the eBook from Teachers Pay Teachers or from PayHip (on this page)

Fall Outside
