Backwoods MamaParenting

Why Boredom is Good for Your Child

Why Boredom is Good for Your Child

When my kids complain that they're "sooooo boooored", it's like hearing someone scrape their nails across a chalkboard. I want to curl up and hold my hands over my ears and beg - please stop! I'm tempted to reach for an electronic device or recite a litany of ideas to...

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30+ Inspirational Parenting Books for Raising Outdoor Kids

30+ Inspirational Parenting Books for Raising Outdoor Kids

Sometimes feeling motivated to get our kids outside can be a challenge. Maybe it's the weather, an illness, a new baby, our schedule, or our mood. During times like this, because it happens to even the outdoorsiest of parents, reach out for support and grab hold of a...

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Fun Fall Outdoor Activities for Toddlers

Fun Fall Outdoor Activities for Toddlers

Fall has arrived! It's time to enjoy all those wonder-fall autumn changes happing outside. One thing I love about exploring fall with my toddler is that she approaches every autumnal change and experience with so much enthusiasm. Whether it's jumping into a pile of...

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10 Tips for Navigating Toddler Tantrums

10 Tips for Navigating Toddler Tantrums

If you are struggling with managing your toddler's tantrums, I'm here to help. As a mother of four, currently in the toddler phase myself (yet again!), I'm going to share my top tips for navigating through toddler tantrums with confidence and love. Why do toddlers...

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Loose Parts Play Ideas for Toddlers

Loose Parts Play Ideas for Toddlers

Loose Parts Play is an engaging and self-directed type of play that's perfect for toddlers. In this article learn more about the theory of Loose Parts Play, how it benefits toddlers and a list of toddler approved loose parts that will stimulate your toddler's...

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How to Help Children Overcome Their Fear of Bugs

How to Help Children Overcome Their Fear of Bugs

"Mama, there's a wasp in my room!" "I think there's a tick in my hair! Get it out! GET IT OUT!!!!" "Help! There's a spider on the door!" Fear of bugs, even among the most nature loving children, is extremely common. It's so common that it pops up regularly in online...

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Playing in Nature Protects Our Children During a Pandemic

Playing in Nature Protects Our Children During a Pandemic

In a very short span of time our lives have been flipped upside down. Places of gathering have been closed. Schools are shutting its doors and millions of children are staying home. Parents and children are struggling to adjust to this new normal which may go on for...

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Positive Ways to Talk to Kids About the Weather

Positive Ways to Talk to Kids About the Weather

The way we talk to our kids about the weather has a big impact on their interest in playing outside. When we talk about the weather negatively, using it as an excuse to stay inside or blaming it for thwarting our plans, our kids learn to do the same thing. Our kids...

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Make Family Camping Way More Fun – Pack Less!

Make Family Camping Way More Fun – Pack Less!

"When are we going camping?" asked my son just the other day. Camping is a much anticipated activity in our household. As a child, I loved camping too. My parents couldn't afford luxurious trips abroad, but it didn't...

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7 Parenting Lessons from Mother Nature

7 Parenting Lessons from Mother Nature

There is so much parenting advice out there! All around the world, experts want to tell the right way to raise kids. All this parenting advice can feel overwhelming and confusing, and can even fuel comparison and judgement...

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22 Ways Kids Can Save Water

22 Ways Kids Can Save Water

On March 22nd we celebrate World Water Day. This is a very important day where we remembers how important it is for everyone to have clean drinking water and how to take care of our water. These days everyone is talking about water: scientists, conservationists,...

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