Backwoods MamaSummer

The Best List of Tree Picture Books for Children

The Best List of Tree Picture Books for Children

Trees are amazing plants. They convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, reduce airborne pollutants, bring water into soil, provide homes for wildlife, grow food, and prevent erosion. Trees make our planet, our cities and our families healthier and happier! This list of...

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How to Help Children Overcome Their Fear of Bugs

How to Help Children Overcome Their Fear of Bugs

"Mama, there's a wasp in my room!" "I think there's a tick in my hair! Get it out! GET IT OUT!!!!" "Help! There's a spider on the door!" Fear of bugs, even among the most nature loving children, is extremely common. It's so common that it pops up regularly in online...

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How to Make a Willow Nature Crown with Your Child

How to Make a Willow Nature Crown with Your Child

Nature crowns are magical things. Weaving branches, flowers, leaves and little bits of nature into a crown, gives children a wonderful opportunity to connect with nature, develop fine motor skills and engage in imaginative outdoor play. Earth Friendly Crowns Nature...

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9 Special Ways to Celebrate Summer Solstice with Kids

9 Special Ways to Celebrate Summer Solstice with Kids

Summer solstice is an exciting astronomical event that heralds the start of summer fun. The summer solstice is that one day of the year where we have the most hours of daylight. It's also when the sun will rise to its highest point in the sky. These astronomical...

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A Beginner’s Guide to Pond Dipping with Kids

A Beginner’s Guide to Pond Dipping with Kids

At first glance, a pond might seem small and insignificant, but below its still surface there is a magical world waiting to be discovered. Pond dipping is a fun must-do nature adventure for kids. The great thing is that it's so easy to do. All your child needs is a...

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Make Family Camping Way More Fun – Pack Less!

Make Family Camping Way More Fun – Pack Less!

"When are we going camping?" asked my son just the other day. Camping is a much anticipated activity in our household. As a child, I loved camping too. My parents couldn't afford luxurious trips abroad, but it didn't...

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