January 23, 2015Art in Paradise

Author: Josée Bergeron

This afternoon we had the chance to explore Art in Paradise a 3D art museum in Chiang Mai. There are several floors of fun artwork to discover and we all at much fun taking pictures with our friends. My husband stayed back at the hotel with the our two younger children to give them a rest. Teddy hasn’t been feeling well the last few days, but more about that later. The above pictures are some of my favourite ones and those with myself in them were taken by Felix.


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  1. Cindy

    I would LOVEto visit this museum! What a beautiful group of photos. There is so much detail! Were all the rooms just square rooms or were there actually places to jump from and places to sit? Thank you for sharing :). Looks like your family is having a wonderful time.

  2. Josée

    The rooms were all different. There were square ones, caves, tunnels and passages. There were places to sit, lay and stand. It was so neat! I wish we had something like this in Vancouver 🙂

  3. Kim

    This place looks amazing!


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