
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
Over the last month our family has been transitioning from leisurely summer days to the predictable routine of fall. I have been slowly preparing for the upcoming learning year by filling my journal with lists of resources to purchase, interests to pursue, and goals to reach towards in the coming months. These are not just my own ideas but a compilation of everyone’s in the family. This year my eldest will be in grade three and my daughter in grade one. My youngest thinks he’s in school too, even though he is only four, and I can’t seem to convince him otherwise.
We are eclectic home learners which means that we don’t prescribe to one specific home learning “style” but draw from many. I like the openness and flexibility this give our family to try new things and let go of others. This year we are continuing to take part in the Valley Discovery Learning Community. Through this distributed learning program my two older children have the opportunity to learn with a small multi-age group of children a couple times a week. My children look forward to going the “Learning Centre” every week and it’s been a great experience for them. We are continuing to use curriculum at home for reading, writing and math as well as introducing some new resources for social studies, science and French. I find that reading, writing and math take up a good portion of our time at home so it will interesting to see how these other subjects will fit into our year. We also enjoy being outdoors as much as possible and learning through nature and the seasons.
All About Reading & All About Spelling
Primary Arts of Language: Reading & Writing
Bible Heroes Writing Lessons
The Story of Civilization: Vol. 1 The Ancient World
Mystery Science
Earth Science and Astronomy for the Grammar Stage