July 13, 2017Rock Climbing with Kids at Mt. Boucherie in West Kelowna

Author: Josée Bergeron

Mount Boucherie is an impressive volcanic remnant located in the heart of West Kelowna, BC. We recently hiked to the top and were rewarded with a stunning panoramic view of Kelowna. Check out the hike: Hiking Mount Boucherie: Eain Lamont Park Entrance. But Mt. Boucherie isn’t only a hiking destination, it’ also has some rock climbing too.

To access the rock climbing area turn off of Highway 97 onto Boucherie Road in West Kelowna. Follow Boucherie road for 6 km until you see a small pull-out and a tan coloured utility building located on the right hand side of Boucherie Road. Keep your eyes pealed because it’s easy to miss the pull out. From the pull -out there’s a very short trail (2 minute) that leads up to the rock wall.

The rock at Mt. Boucherie is volcanic conglomerate which makes it very unique. There are pig pockets, pebbles and rocks embedded in the rock, and it’s very rough. My fingers were so sore after one day of climbing on this rock which made me realize how spoiled I am to be climbing at Skaha Bluffs.

This rock climbing area is not huge but there are a few easier climbs that kids can try out. By following the trail straight up from the pull out to the rock wall you encounter Rad Wall. Rad Wall has a couple easier 5.9 routes but beware of the poison ivy everywhere! My two older kids (9 and 7) were able to climb The Good (5.9) on Rad Wall fairly easily. The wall to the left is called the Pocket Wall (because it’s covered in pockets) and there’s one neat climb there called Pockets of Pleasure (5.10b) that we all tried out.


  • Very quick (2 minutes) and safe approach
  • Unique volcanic conglomerate rock (big pockets, embedded rocks)


  • Very rough rock (ouch!)
  • Poison ivy near base of rock (watch out!)
  • Routes are a little more difficult
  • Small area (not many routes)
  • Full sun to partial shade in the afternoon (hot!)

For more information about rock climbing at Mt. Boucherie or in Kelowna check out the book: Kelowna Rock Climbing 


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