
5 Benefits of Cold Weather Play for Children: Boost Their Health & Happiness This Winter
Straining to fit into a boot. Whining about a finger caught in the wrong mitten. Searching for that elusive toque. Getting your kids outside to play...
Linden Gardens is a lovely expanse of ornamental gardens located in Kaleden, BC. It is a popular location among locals and tourists for enjoying a leisurely stroll and delicious food. The Frog City Café, which is located near the main entrance of the gardens, is a busy little spot during the summer but we prefer to bring a picnic lunch and spread out a blanket in a shady spot. To make our picnic a special affair we dress a little fancy, bring our teacups and a good book to read. After enjoying our lunch and reading our book, we walk along the trails of the gardens and stop to admire to views and smell the flowers. It’s easy to spend several hour in the gardens this way and it is such a treat for everyone.
The cost of entering the garden for the day is $5 per adults and $2.50 per child. A yearly membership cost $20 per adult and $50 per family and is worth getting if you are local and plan to visit the gardens several times throughout the year.